Questions before registering Adsense

Adsense advertising network is currently the largest advertising network in the world and pays the highest profit. So there are many people who want to participate, but registration is very difficult because they do not understand Google’s policies. There are many people who are just starting to sign up for a Google Adsense nick, so there are many questions before signing up. To support you, I would like to answer the questions before registering Adsense.

How long does it take to register a domain name for Adsense?

Domain names that are less than 1 month old can be registered successfully. In fact, I have successfully registered 3 accounts with domain names that have only been active for 1 month. And someone bought a domain name, wrote content and successfully registered it in just 11 days.

Google only requires domain names over 6 months for India and China, so you can rest assured about this. But you should also wait about 20 days to register, because the newly registered domain name needs to be indexed on the search engines.

How many visitors to register Adsense?

Google policy does not refer to the number of visitors. Only talking about content content must be meaningful so that visitors have a reason to return to your website. My page registered successfully when the domain name was 28 days old and the visitor was only 48 visitors/day. Other sites I registered also only visit less than 100 / 1 day. Going to many sites sharing how to successfully register requires a domain name and then visitors must be 200 – 500 days, this is not true.

Can Vietnamese content be registered with adsense?

Absolutely, it’s important that your content is quality and unique. But according to some of you, making the site in English is easier to accept. I haven’t tried this yet, because I’m bad at English.

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10 things to successfully register Adsense 2026

How easy is the content to be accepted by Google Adsense?

This is the most important thing that determines whether you are accepted or not. Your blog should specialize in a certain topic: often niche sites are easily accepted as sharing knowledge about computers, technology, health.

Content must be self-written, content that is useful to the user, and that is unique. To see if that content has been written by anyone online, you can go to Google and search for it. For example, you write the topic  how to clean a laptop, when you go to Google to search, the results are many, if you write it yourself, it is difficult to accept because this content is duplicate, not unique. Being able to write content that few people write is more likely to succeed.

There are many people who create websites that sell clothes, sell furniture, or create buying and selling forums. Then ask, can you go to the site to see if I can register? Or why can’t I register on this site? Honestly, I can’t even register. Think about the site you sell phones, so its content is useful to users? Is the content unique?… If you want to put ads on that page, you should set up a WordPress blog to write your own registration and then put it up.

Do you need to create informational pages about your blog?

Should create a friend, should create pages: About, contact, privacy policy when using the blog. People on the blog are also interested in who is behind the blog, how to contact you, or when they come to the blog, do they need to know the policies and rules on your blog…

Is website design important in Adsense registration?

Yes, this is Google’s policy for administrators, your page must be clearly designed, easy to use, easy to navigate. You can ask the designer or buy a copyrighted theme to use it, do not use the free WordPress theme. Well-designed themes help to run smoothly and the website load speed is also faster. Before, I successfully registered using the maytinhvn blog theme.

Guaranteed guidelines for admins

You need to create sitemap, robot and use webmaster tools: Google Analytics, Google Webmaster tool, Bing Webmaster tool to manage the web as well as put your website on the search engine. So you need to submit a sitemap, submit articles to be indexed after each new post.

Should I place another ad while waiting for Google to approve the application?

If you are placing another ad network, it should be removed just for Google ads. This Google does not ban, but doing so you have lost 1 point, no one wants to approve the person placing their opponent’s ad. And once that is successful, you have no reason to use the other ad network.

Any tips to successfully register Adsense?

This is very difficult, Google censors are also normal people and feel happy and sad at the same time. If you’re happy, accept it, if you’re not, then refuse. But you also need to create excitement for people to browse your blog: Easy-to-see design, quality content, easy-to-understand words so that readers don’t want to leave your site.

You also create the contact information, the introduction on the blog is the same as the name on Gmail. For example, your email address [email protected] is named Quoc Cuong. Then in the information about the introduction, contact, and registration information Adsense is the same. It might not be the same, but doing so will win the hearts of the censors. They think you are working with sincerity and determination.

How to register for Adsense?

When you have done the above, then click here: Register, fill in all information about the website, name and address according to Google’s form. Then submit the application and wait for GG’s response.

See also: Is it easy or difficult to register Adsense?

How long does it take Google to process the application and how is it approved?

Google approves the application in 2 steps. Step 1 is to temporarily accept your site after you submit your application 2 hours – 1 day (this step is almost 99% successful). Step 2 Google requires you to create an ad code and place it on your site (the ad will temporarily show up on your site for about 1 hour – 2 hours then it will end). And you have to wait 1-7 days for GG to consider, if successful or unsuccessful, GG will send you an application. If successful, the ad will show itself, no need to create another ad code.

According to his experience. If you put the ad code on your site, after 2 hours – 1 day that the ad shows, your site is too good. On the contrary, after only 1 day of email failure (general content is a policy violation), you need to completely review the content or replace another domain name. If it takes 3-7 days to receive a rejection email, you should still use that page, consider writing more content, edit the content for good, and then resubmit the application. Usually placing empty ads on 5 days without seeing the mail, the success rate is also very high, so try to wait.

Those are some of my experiences about Adsense to share with new people. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below the article. I will try to answer you within my knowledge, if you find the article good, please share it with everyone. Thanks

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14 thoughts on “Questions before registering Adsense

  1. Ad xem giúp site mình với, liệu có đk đc không? Hồi có e có đăng kí nhưng tạch do không tuân thủ chính sách gì đó 🙁
    Bổ sung site e là:

  2. Chào bạn! bữa giờ bận quá nên không vào trả lời bình luận của bạn được. Mình thấy site bạn thiết kế đẹp, bài viết độc đáo. Bạn thử đăng ký lại xem sao, đôi khi cũng cần phải lì 1 tí bác ah. Như site mình đăng ký lần 3 mới được. Tạch xong 2 ngày mình lại đăng ký, và hiện tại site Tiếng Việt rất khó để đăng ký. Theo quản lý của Google tại Châu Á thì site Việt Nam bị từ chối 85 – 90%, đứng đầu thế giới đó.

    1. Thấy site bạn bài viết tốt, giao diện đẹp mà hình như xài blogspot không dăng ký được thì phải. Xài cái này chỉ đăng ký tài khoản host trong blogspot thôi

  3. Chào admin! Mình có site domain mua gần 1 năm, bài viết mình viết (tham khảo và không copy) cách đây 3 ngày mình có reg account,đặt code ads lên tầm ~1h sau thì có hiện quảng cáo, sau đó nó báo trùng thông tin với 1 account khác,sau đó mình hủy hết 2 account, và reactive lại account mới tạo sau. Giờ mình đặt code ads lên lại, đã 1 ngày mà không có hiện quảng cáo. Có phải thế này là fail rồi ko? có khi nào nó báo trung hôm trước nên giờ nó bỏ account này khỏi danh sách xem xét rồi không? Admin hoặc bạn nào biết cho mình biết với.
    Cảm ơn nhiều!

  4. Thứ 1 : Reg acc phải mới xong mà hiện ads thì do bị lỗi, thường sau vài giờ ads sẽ hết hiện và có mail báo từ chối.
    Thứ 2 : Ads hiện sau đó báo trùng thông tin. Thì mình đã bị trường hợp đó, reg xong hiện luôn và sau đó báo trùng thông tin.
    Báo trùng như vậy thì tạo mới mail, điện thoại, thông tin và dùng máy khác để reg. Chứ xóa cache, mà vẫn phải trên 1 máy thì vẫn báo trùng thông tin ( google biết hết nhé ). Bạn cứ để vậy đi không sao đâu, vẫn reg bình thường nhé

    1. Cảm ơn Admin và @Cường đã trả lời.
      Vậy giờ mình dùng thông tin khác để reg hay chờ tiếp vậy bạn @Cường và @admin?

      1. Reg luôn cũng được.Nhưng phải chắc chắn cái gì cũng mới.Ngồi máy tính ở nơi khác,ip khác,sửa tên giới thiệu trên site giống tên gmail mới,số điện thoại mới.Rồi reg lại.Trong lúc Google đang duyệt quảng cáo thì cứ 1_2 ngày viết 1 bài đến lúc thành công thì thôi.
        Kinh nghiệm : Đôi khi phải cù nhầy GG,từ chối thì gửi lại tiếp.Nhưng bạn phải chắc chắn site bạn tự viết và không dính bản quyền

  5. ADM cho e hỏi là e liến kết 3 gmail với adsensen mà trùng thông tin 1 người nhưng số dt mỗi nick khác nhau đều được chấp thuận từ adsen rồi nhưng sau lấy tiền có ảnh hưởng gì ko khi 3 nick trùng 1 thông tin khác số dt

  6. Bây giờ mà bảo viết cái gì độc lạ chưa có trên internet chẳng khác nào bảo chúng ta hãy tìm chổ nào bán adsense content mua yk. các Bạn thử search google xem

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