Signs and how to handle faulty Laptop chipset

Laptops used for a long time will generate a lot of diseases, in which chipset diseases are the most. The laptop chipset includes: south bridge chip, north bridge chip, VGA chip … When these chips fail, the device is automatically turned off, the laptop does not receive USB, the machine flickers when the picture is not displayed, or worse than not showing up. Here are the signs and how to deal with a faulty Laptop chipset

1. Signs to identify the laptop chipset is faulty.

+ For South Bridge chip

When plugging in a charger or a universal power supply, the machine already has a 3v, 5v source (previous power supply). But the source cannot be activated (no effect). If check the power supply IC first, replace the SIO IC, reload the BIOS, the cause of the Southbridge chip error is very high.
When powering the South chip, have not activated the power or just activated the source, but touching the South chip feels hot, 99% of the South chip is shorted.
Laptop is up normally but does not accept USB, has checked the 5v power supply for USB, BIOS can’t be reloaded. Then need to check to redo the pins or replace the other male chip.
One of the devices Camera, Audio, LAN, WiFi if faulty. After replacing or repairing those circuits, the error of the male chip also accounts for the majority. Because the Southbridge chip manages these chips.

+ For North chip

When the RAM is plugged into the machine, it is not recognized, the laptop mainboard test card shows error 28. After replacing the RAM, check the RAM slot. Check the source IC management RAM was good but still not received, the error due to the chip North is very high.
The machine has a full power supply first, the machine is powered on (see through the indicator light, fan). The RAM, CPU, and chipset power circuits are all available but not output. Usually the general-purpose power supply eats about 0.3 A. Then it is necessary to check the BIOS, the South chip and the most error is still the North chip.
Laptop uses AMD CPU, when powered on, the multimeter eats a little current and then turns off. Usually using Northern NVIDIA chip, this chip often has the phenomenon of power on for a few seconds and then turn off.

+ For VGA chip

When the source is activated and looks on the clock of the multi-purpose source, the current is about 0.7A – 0.8A. Replaced the good RAM but it didn’t work, most of the errors are in the VGA chip.
Boot the laptop, the machine enters windows normally but does not show up (recognize the machine boots normally by pressing the Caps Lock key, hearing the startup chime, or attaching the cap to the external LCD monitor). This error usually has to check the laptop LCD screen connection cable, try another screen, check the multi-function high-voltage board. When the above methods do not work, you need to redo the pins or replace the VGA chip
The screen white error, the screen is striped, using a slice of the screen is broken…. After checking the laptop screen, the connection cable, the error is mostly caused by the VGA chip.

Above are some basic errors about the laptop’s chipset, and it has many other cases. It takes a long time to gain more experience and make a more accurate diagnosis.

2. How to handle faulty laptop chipset.

When we have done the small cases to rule out, then it’s up to the chipset. Because redoing the chipset is relatively difficult if you are not familiar with it. Experience is that if you suspect any chip error (maybe open leg), you should first use your hand to press firmly on that chip and then click the power to see if the machine is up. If it is up, then the chip is definitely open, we just need to re-steam it.

Disassemble all devices mounted on the mainboard: CMOS battery (to prevent heat from exploding), CPU, RAM, and glue on the mainboard also remove to avoid melting heat.
If in the 4 corners of the chipset there is a fixed glue. Then use a torch and tweezers to remove it.
Use insulation glue on the back of the chip (where it is in contact with the chip maker), so that only the heat comes in contact with the chipset belly.
Use a dedicated chip machine. Or use infrared light, KADA 853A steam cooker if you can’t afford to buy a genuine machine.
Put solder grease on the chipset belly and turn on the chip maker or steamer.
There are 3 cases: Steaming the chip (rock chip) to help the pins eat evenly on the mainboard, steaming the chip, you should use light stone tweezers at 2 opposite corners. Make chip pins, replace the new chip, you need to remove the chip completely, clean the lead on the mainboard, then redo the pins with a mesh and proceed to reattach as when removing.

3. Causes of chipset failure.

When it comes to electronics, it’s very difficult to determine the exact cause but most errors are caused by:

Chipset used for a long time, life is reduced leading to damage.
The most common cause is still heat, hot temperatures make the chipset fail.
Due to short circuit, unstable power supply from the adapter is also the cause.
Due to external impact: Leaving in a humid environment, due to impact, dropping the device…

Cách thay chipset bằng máy hàn KADA 853A

Replace chipset with KADA 853A4. Note when making chipset

Making chipsets is very complicated if you are not familiar with it, so you have to exclude all small cases to redo the chipset.
There are many cases where the chipset is often unable to power on due to being touched.
After remaking the VGA chip, the machine worked hotter than at first, because the lead collapsed and was lower at first. Leads to bad heat dissipation. Therefore, it is necessary to redo the heatsink to help the chip have a longer life. Reference: What to do after redoing the VGA pin.

Above are the error problems in the Laptop chipset, hope to receive more contributions from you. Close.
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One thought on “Signs and how to handle faulty Laptop chipset

  1. Em xin chào anh ạ. Cho em hỏi chút, máy em laptop lenovo G450, gần đây máy hay bị tắt nguồn giữa chừng khi đang sử dụng (có lần đang khởi động vào win thì cũng bị), em đã test ổ cứng thì thấy không bị bad, ram vẫn nhận bình thường. Tình trạng xảy ra cả khi cắm nguồn và khi để mình pin. Cho em hỏi lỗi này thuộc về phần cứng hay phần mềm, mấy người bảo ổ e bị lỗi thế là em test bad nhưng không thấy gì cả. Mong anh giúp em.
    Em xin cám ơn ạ

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