Computer terms-abbreviations

People who are learning about information technology, computer enthusiasts or simply want to know about computer terms-abbreviations often have questions like what is IT, what is SSD an acronym for, What does CPU mean… I would like to summarize the acronyms in computers for your reference.

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Thủ thuật công nghệ máy tính
  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): A coding system in which numbers are assigned to letters.
    APM (Advanced Power Manager): More advanced (better) power management.
    ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface): Advanced configuration and power interface.
    ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment): Data transfer standard for storage devices.
    AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port): Port to accelerate graphics.
    ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line): Asymmetric subscriber line – broadband connection.
    AD (Active Directory): An active, extensible and self-adjusting directory system that makes it easy for administrators to manage resources on the network.
    Acc User (Account User): User account.
    ASP/ASP.NET (Active Server Page): Language for writing Web Server.
    ARP (Address Resolution Protocol): Protocol to convert logical addresses to physical addresses.
    BIOS (Basic Input/Output System): Basic input/output system.
    BPS (Bits Per Second): Number of bits transmitted per second.
    BNC (British Naval Connector): BNC connector is used to connect coaxial cable.
    BCC (Blind Carbon Copy): Dear, but the recipient will not see the addresses of other recipients.
    CPU (Central Processing Unit): The central processing unit of the computer.
    CD – ROM (Compact Disc – Read Only Memory): Compressed disc with read-only memory.
    CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor): Metal-Oxide Compensation Semiconductor, Family of electronic circuits commonly used widely in the construction of electronic circuits.
    COM (Computer Output on Micro): COM port connecting gaming devices, printers…
    CP (Computer Programmer): Computer programmer.
    CMD (Command): Command line to execute a certain program.
    CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection): A network communication protocol that listens to network traffic to avoid collisions.
    CC (Carbon Copy): Dear co, the recipient will see all the addresses of other recipients (In E_Mail).
    CAD (Computer Aided Design): Design with the help of computers.
    CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing): Manufacturing with the help of computers.
    CAL (Computer Aided Learning): Learning with the help of computers.
    CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional): An advanced network certification from Cisco.
    CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate): Is an international network certification issued by the world’s leading network equipment manufacturer – Cisco – and is recognized worldwide.
    DIMM (Double Inline Memory Modules): Ram slot on the mainboard.
    Dual channel : Technology to run dual channel ram.
    DDR – SDRAM (Double Data Rate SDRAM): Ram DDR1, this ram has a bus 100 – 400, voltage 2.5v.
    DAC (Digital to Analog Converted): A converter from a digital signal to an Analog signal.
    DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): Dynamic IP configuration protocol system.
    DNS (Domain Name System): The system that resolves domain names to IP and vice versa.
    DC (Domain Controller): Domain name system.
    DFS (Distributed File System): Logical file management system, managing Shares in DC.
    DPI (Dots Per Inch): The number of dots in an Inch, a unit of measurement for images produced on monitors and printers.
    EM64T (Extended Memory 64 bit Technology): CPU supports 64 bit technology.
    E_Mail (Electronic Mail): An electronic mail system.
    E_Card (Electronic Card): Electronic card system.
    FSB (Front Side Bus): System data bus – connection between CPU and main memory.
    FAT (File Allocation Table): A system table on disk for file allocation.
    FTP (File Transfer Protocol): File transfer protocol.
    FDD (Floppy Disk Drive): Floppy Drive – usually 1.44 MB or 2.88 MB.
    GPU (Graphics Processing Unit): Chip that processes the video card, like a CPU.
    HDD (Hard Disk Drive): Hard Drive – Computer storage device.
    HT (Hyper Threading): CPU’s Hyper-Threading Technology.
    HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): Hypertext markup language.
    HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): The protocol for transferring files in the form of hypertext.
    IT (Information Technology): Information technology, computer technology.
    IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics): An electronic circuit integrated on a hard drive, transmitting signals in parallel (Parallel ATA), is a communication port.
    I/O (Input/Output): Input/output port.
    ICT (Information Communication Technology): Information and communication technology industry.
    ISA (Industry Standard Architecture): Is a communication port of the sound card.
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): Academy of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • IP (Internet Protocol): Internet communication protocol.
    ICS (Internet Connection Sharing): Share the Internet connection.
    ISP (Internet Service Provider): An Internet service provider.
    ICP (Internet Content Provider): A provider of information content on the Internet.
    IAP (Internet Access Provider): An Internet connection gateway provider.
    ID (Identity): The basis for identification.
    ISA Server (Internet Security & Acceleration Server): Program to support management and speed up Internet connection for Server.
    IE (Internet Explorer): Microsoft’s “Internet Explorer” Web browser.
    LAN (Local Area Network): Local computer network.
    Mainboard /Motherboard : Mainboard.
    Monitor : Computer monitor.
    Modem (Modulator/Demodulator): Modulation and demodulation – converts back and forth between Digital and Analog signals.
    MBR (Master Boot Record): The main record in the disks used to boot the system.
    MS – DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System): Microsoft’s first single-tasking operating system (1981), running only one application at a time via the command line.
    MAC (Media Access Control): The ability to connect at the physical layer.
    MSN (Microsoft Network): Microsoft’s network messaging service.
    MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network): Microsoft’s network technology development team.
    MF (Mozilla Firefox): Web browser “Mozilla Firefox”.
    MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional): This is Microsoft’s first-level certification.
    MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator): Microsoft’s certification for network operating system administrators.
    MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer): Microsoft Certified Network Engineer.
    NTFS (New Technology File System): New technology file system – more secure technology based on Windows NT platform.
    NIC (Network Interface Card): Network interface card.
    OS (Operating System): Computer operating system.
    OS Support (Operating System Support): The operating system is supported.
    OSI (Open System Interconnection): Open system linkage model – international standardization.
    OU (Organization Unit): The organizational unit in AD.
    PC (Personal Computer): Personal computer.
    PATA (Parallel ATA): Standard for data transmission in parallel format.
    PSU (Power Supply Unit): Computer power supply.
    PDA (Personal Digital Assistant): A personal digital assistant.
    PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect): The components that configure the peripheral communication port according to the serial standard.
    PCIe (PCI Express) : Graphics card interface.
    PNP (Plug And Play): Plug and Play.
    POP (Post Office Protocol): Office protocol, used to receive Mail from Mail Server.
    RAM (Random Access Memory): Random Access Memory.
    ROM (Read Only Memory): Memory is read only, cannot be written – erased.
    RPM (Revolutions Per Minute): The number of revolutions per minute.
    RIMM (Ram bus Inline Memory Module): Ram slot.
    RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks): The system manages multiple drives at the same time.
    RIS (Remote Installation Service): Remote installation service via LAN.
    SSD ( Solid State Drive): Solid hard drive, is a storage device but is stored on a Flash chip instead of a disk like a normal drive.
    SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment): Standard for data transfer in serial form.
    SCSI (Small Computer System Interface): Small computer system interface – the interface handles many data needs at the same time.
    SIMM (Single Inline Memory Module): Ram slot.
    SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory): Synchronous RAM.
    SAM (Security Account Manager): A place to manage and secure information of user accounts.
    S/P (Supports): Support.
    SMS (Short Message Service): Short message system – texting in the form of characters over the telephone network.
    SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): Protocol used to send Mail from Mail Client to Mail Server.
    SQL (Structured Query Language): Structured query language – connection to the database.
    STP (Shielded Twisted Pair): Shielded twisted pair cable.
    TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): Network protocol.
    Triple Channel: The technology of running 3 Ram at the same time is different from dual channel running only 2 bars.
    USB (Universal Serial Bus): Data transfer standard for peripheral BUS (Device).
    UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair): Twisted pair cable – used to connect to the network through an RJ45 connector.
    URL (Uniform Resource Locator): Used to say the link of the website.
    VGA (Video Graphics Array): The device outputs graphics programs in series as video to the screen.
    Wi – Fi (Wireless Fidelity): Wireless network technology.
    WAN (Wide Area Network): Wide area computer network.
    WWW (World Wide Web): A worldwide wide-area Web system.

    Those are computer terms-abbreviations arranged in alphabetical order for your reference.

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