What to do after rebuilding VGA chip pins?

Laptops using discrete VGA chips often use one time to fail. And the faulty laptop accounts for more than 80% of the VGA chip. Errors related to the VGA chip such as not showing up, showing up but having stripes, or booting to windows but the screen is still black. Light display can re-steam the chip, the machine is up, heavier, you have to replace the new VGA chip.

The cause of the death of the VGA chip is mostly due to overheating, the heat dissipation is not good, causing the chip to die. The VGA chip after replacing or re-steaming the legs will run hotter than the original, and when we reheat, the VGA chip will not be as high as the original (because the lead ball is sinking) making the heat dissipation not good. The chip will die again. So what do we need to do after rebuilding the VGA chip pins? Please follow the following steps.

1. Add a piece of thin copper heatsink on the back of the VGA chip, the purpose is to help the VGA chip contact the FAN’s copper heatsink better. The brothers cut a small piece of copper with a piece of glass of the VGA chip, about 0.8 – 1 mm thick and placed on the back of the VGA chip.

Làm gì sau khi làm lại chân chip VGA ?
Add a copper heatsink for VGA

2. Use good thermal paste such as Arctic Cooling MX-3, MX-4, Noctua NT-H1, CFIII or  Xigmatek Freezing Point. And proceed to apply a thin layer on CPU chip, North chip, VGA chip. VGA chip, you apply it on the glass -> put a piece of copper on -> apply another thin layer on the copper piece.

3. Cleaning the heatsink FAN assembly: Including removing the old thermal paste, cleaning the fan blades, using RP7 to spray on the fan’s rotating shaft, and at the same time applying oil to make the fan rotate better.

4. Re-wire the fan, normally the fan uses 3 wires: yellow to adjust the speed, red to power the fan, black to connect to the mass. You proceed to cut off the yellow and red wires, leaving only the black wire in the jack. Then use a Vol meter to find the 5V voltage for USB. Finally proceed to fish the red wire of the fan to the point of 5V for USB, and the yellow wire is left unused. The purpose of using the 5V USB power supply for the fan, when starting up, the fan will rotate continuously without turning off and on when the CPU temperature increases as it was originally. This will help cool the chips very well.

Above are the 4 steps you need to do when replacing the video chip, re-steaming the chip to help the chip life longer. In addition, you can use the above methods to fix laptop problems that automatically turn off due to overheating. Wish success.

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3 thoughts on “What to do after rebuilding VGA chip pins?

  1. admin có nhận làm lại VGA laptop không? Mình có 1 laptop cũ Asus U80V đã chết VGA, làm tổng cộng 3 lần rồi vẫn bị chết tiếp. Do nhu cầu mình không cao lắm, chỉ cần lướt web thôi, còn lại mình có máy bàn rồi!

    Vậy hỏi ad thử là nếu làm lại theo cách của ad thì có thọ được lâu không?

    1. Mình không nhận làm lại bạn à. Bạn mang tới trung tâm gần nhà sửa chữa nhé. Thông thường thay chip khác thì thọ khoảng 6 tháng. Làm lại chân thì khoảng 1 – 2 tháng. Cái này cũng tùy chứ không chắc chắn như vậy được bạn ah. Vì nó chết lúc nào cũng không biết được. Mà những nơi làm lại chân VGA cũng không bảo hành

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